

Neurology Specialists & Neuromuscular Medicine Providers located in Waxahachie, Mansfield and Mesquite, TX
Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia services offered in Waxahachie, Mansfield and Mesquite, TX

Up to 70% of dementia patients have Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable, progressive brain disorder. The highly skilled neurologists at Neurology Care’s offices in Waxahachie, Mesquite, and Mansfield, Texas, specialize in diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s disease, ensuring patients benefit from early treatment. They use the most advanced approaches to help people retain brain function and quality of life for longer. Call Neurology Care to schedule an Alzheimer’s disease evaluation or book an appointment online today. 

Alzheimer’s Q&A

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain condition that affects around six million people across the United States. It causes incurable dementia that begins with memory loss but worsens over time, eventually affecting the patient’s ability to move, speak, and eat unaided.

The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is unclear. However, research indicates that clumps of proteins, called amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, disrupt brain function. These proteins are toxic to your neurons (brain cells), damaging them so they can’t communicate with each other.

The connections between your brain cells break down, the neurons die, and the brain gradually shrinks. These changes are irreversible, but prompt treatment can delay the disease’s progress.

What symptoms does Alzheimer’s disease cause?

Memory loss is the symptom most closely associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Many people worry that they’re developing dementia as they age because it’s common for your memory to decline when you get older. But Alzheimer’s disease memory changes differ from natural age-related forgetfulness.

For instance, people with Alzheimer’s disease might forget common knowledge, such as the year or the current president, and basic information about their lives, like their birthday or address.

As the condition worsens, people don’t remember to eat or drink, forget to take medications, and get confused with times, so they might eat breakfast at midnight.

Other cognitive changes and Alzheimer’s disease symptoms include:

  • Repeating questions
  • Struggling to complete everyday tasks
  • Wandering from home
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Getting lost in familiar places
  • Inability to manage finances
  • Wearing the wrong clothes for the weather
  • Mood swings
  • Worsening distrust
  • Irritability
  • Aggressiveness
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Delusions
  • Not recognizing friends and family

If you or someone close develops symptoms like these, visit Neurology Care for an Alzheimer’s disease evaluation.

How is Alzheimer’s disease treated?

Neurology Care uses the most up-to-date treatments to improve patient’s quality of life. They also promote occupational therapies to keep the brain functioning for longer.

Medications — mainly if prescribed early in the disease’s development — offer some help. Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine help to improve communication between brain cells, while a newer drug, aducanumab, removes some of the amyloid plaques. However, it’s not suitable for all patients.

Neurology Care’s experienced neurologists prescribe the most effective medications based on each patient’s needs. Call the office today or book an appointment online to benefit from their expertise in treating Alzheimer’s.